Monday, July 13, 2009

Mission 101

I’m an attractive Asian, towering five foot four, with great complexion and have naturally tinted dark brown hair with perfectly matching dark brown eyes. Yet somehow it seems rather impossible for dear ol’ butt naked cupid to find me my match. I’m not implying that there are absolutely no pursuits exhibiting themselves before me, but the thing is... It really IS rather difficult to find someone ‘normal’.

My definition of normal: Someone who possesses the gift of appreciation, compassion, humour, humility, ambition and finally the gift of style. After all, impression does matter too ya know.

Expectations a little too high you say? I do know of men whom have met the first five criteria but failed at the final one, rather sad really; and I suppose I need not dive deep into explaining the other breed of men, whom excel in style with perfect stature, but fail in every other way possible as a being. (Top that with Agent Blue's dish on Mr. 'D', you've got yourself the worse Karma hit ever!) This despicable breed simply floods the city of KL! (Commonly referred to as: A_ _ H_ _ _)

So I suppose the choices are rather depressing. It’s either picking the ones that rot from within or the ones that rot on the outside.. Hmm.. I wonder if there’s a place where eligible women can go shop for eligible men.

Mission 101: Agent Pink
Assignment: Man Hunting
Target: Eligible Bachelor

I’ll keep you guys posted on the progress of my assignment. Watch out world, Coz I'm on a mission.

Yours Truly,
Agent Pink XoXo'